General Counsel
Detailed Working Process
If you are like many GCs, you focus on mitigating risk. Others want you to prioritize that but also reducing legal department costs. You may have provided cost reductions through spend management strategies, but nothing measurable has been getting their attention since then.
Most GCs are seeing legal departments grow in headcount every year. As more staff are added and more services are delivered, the department becomes exponentially more difficult and costly to manage.
From the tech side, you may have been convinced to allocate funds for yet another legal software purchase – a CLM or eDiscovery tool of some sort. After initiating the purchase, you find that a chunk of your staff will be sidelined for the next 12 months trying to get the tool implemented. Meanwhile, little value is gained, and staff are sidelined from more important tasks. This hasn’t moved the needle for employee and staff satisfaction levels.
MyLegal empowers you to head into the boardroom with something new to talk about. You will be able to confidently explain how you implemented, deployed, and trained your staff on a dozen or more critical applications within the time it took to gather requirements for someone else’s CLM tool.
Armed with real-time analytics, you will be able to show how staff efficiency has improved through automation: Requests are processed faster and with a complete audit trail, employees are completing more processes with little or no involvement from the legal staff, and, most importantly, you were able to flatten the department’s hiring curve.

Product Benefits

Legal Department Analytics
Provide improved department oversight through KPIs, to make data-driven decisions.

Immediate ROI
Faster time-to-value coupled with an affordable license model, enables an immediate return on investment.

Continuous Improvement
“Future-proof” your applications by continually modifying them as your needs change.