The Cornerstone of Your Legal Technology Stack
Enterprise Scale
Workflow platforms come in a variety of sizes. At first glance, determining what makes one different from another can be difficult. While nearly all allow you to build simple applications, most stop there. Most legal departments that have purchased these platforms don’t realize their limitations until after building and deploying their first few applications.
Several areas distinguish common workflow tools from enterprise-capable platforms, which can become a cornerstone of your department’s technology stack. Here are just a few:

MyLegal™ ensures that all developed applications are tailored to meet your legal departments exact requirements and can be modified if needed with minimal effort and or IT involvement.
MyLegal™ accomplishes this through its pre-built Low/No Code applications that are easily modified.
Unlike other platforms, with MyLegal™, code is not compiled, so as processes change, the apps are able to be modified with minimal effort and negative impact on in-process work.
Some competitive offerings have a library of pre-built solution examples (building blocks), but in complex scenarios, coding is needed to tailor these apps to meet the department’s requirements.
While others use what they call No/Low Code development. In these cases, simple scenarios are supported by that claim but as soon as complexity increases, developer involvement is required.
Finally, there are those that call themselves No/Low Code but they are technically not.

Unlike workflow tools, MyLegal™ delivers the ability to manage all aspects of the department’s application management.
All workflow platforms can deploy simple workflows. However, important differences between MyLegal’s enterprise scale apps versus the basic apps deployed by competitive offerings become evident after deployment. Competitive offerings do not offer an extensive set of administrative settings that can be used to manage the applications that are in use.
Configuring user roles/personas is limited to the workflow application in most platforms. MyLegal™ portal environment is set up to dynamically render apps, services, and reports, etc. based on the user’s role, creating their own experience.
When in use, user errors typically occur. With other systems, there is no way to manage running instances. With MyLegal™ you are provided several unmatched in-flight process management capabilities, such as skip, roll back, suspend, change flow and even migrate the running instance(s) to a different version of the application.

Citizen Development
Unlike workflow tools, MyLegal™ delivers the ability to build not only simple workflow applications but highly complex use cases, without the need to involve developers.
Simple workflows can be deployed by all platforms. The differences between MyLegal™ and others is, what can be configured using standard functionality and what must be built using code.
With others, you can get something started but as soon as something, such as rule logic, exceeds what works out of the box, development starts. This leads to longer projects, and less agile outcomes.
The common complaint is, “I can’t get my staff trained on the platform, so the project lands back on my plate.”
Other platforms are IT driven and thus, costly and time consuming, even after you wait in line for them to work on your project.

MyLegal™ supports this by providing a centralized portal, where legal staff, employees and external resources, leverage a persona-based user experience to work more effectively.
Others have some pre-built applications but are not organized in a manner that promotes self-service and, in most cases, task management is maintained within each app.
The MyLegal™ collaboration and automaton platform enables legal departments to deliver everything all personas need, the way they want it.

Return on Investment
MyLegal™ supports the fastest path for your automation initiative at the lowest total overall cost.
When you combine the value derived from having the solution deployed sooner and a platform licensing arrangement that promotes widespread adoption of automated process, your return on investment is unsurpassed.
The factors include, license costs, application development costs/time, integration costs, application administration capabilities/costs, agile verses rigid solutions, and user satisfaction.

Time to Value
In addition to cost, time-to-value is a key measure for any legal technology project.
MyLegal™ offers best-in-class time-to-value by enabling clients to leverage pre-built applications and integrations to shorten the duration of time to deploy applications.
Others have some solutions pre-built but require more effort to ready the applications and the tailoring process, in most cases needs to be done by a developer.
Others still require extensive developer involvement and thus the longest time to deploy.
Overall cost for the MyLegal™ collaboration and automaton platform is significantly less that competing solutions.